
Showing posts from April, 2018

What in the hell happened to baby einstein wiki?

So then, You may be confused on what happened to me..  Just so you know, I am not dead.. Nor am i on the wiki..

Creepy thing that used to hang in my driveway.

So then, I used to have this wind-up clown doll that used to hang from a tree near my gate, Whenever you driven past my house, You would be able to see this thing; It mainly served as a warning to those who dare come near our place.. Well here is the story about this creepy thing..

BabyFirst TV and other shit : The Rant | Part 5

So then, Let's say you start to go channel surfing on your TV provider's channel listing and then while flipping through the thousands of channels, you suddenly come across a channel called "BabyFirstTV"... For me, it's absolute bullshit isn't it? Well then, Let's start!

Wii have a problem | Part four

So then, You're setting up your Wii for the fourth time in a row; but on your way, You run into loads of problems after doing so a while back...

Part three, The Loss.. VisualPlugin is working for maddie!?

So as it turns out, VisualPlugin may have betrayed my trust after recent termination of my wikia account .

Part two.. The apprentice

So then, We end up watching the goanimate videos of this youtuber who unfortunately fell into our wrath!

'Timothy goes to school..." : The "interesting" night... (Part one)

a screenshot of one of the things that happened last night. So then, Last night with VisualPlugin got interesting so lemme tell you about what happened from what i remember (ft. audiosurf, zuess rox, wonka rox deluxe, acorn suxxx, five rules, me and yoko, old emails from nastyahmede and çıxış yolu)

The OFFICE with the BRITS (RANT?)

Prepare yourselves for the most unworthy rant of your lives. Brought to you by Otel Vegəşlar and Respected Leader VisualPlugin and of course, The International Ranting Standards of GoAnimate!