Why Does My Child Get Frustrated Playing Roblox Games?

Satire on : https://blog.roblox.com/2019/10/child-get-frustrated-playing-games/

Taken Directly From "How To Deal With Tourettes"

Ello children, Nanna CLarramore iz'ere to tell you zat i have now improved the post.

Well, games are meant to be fun.. Right kids? Right.. anybunny? Oh well,  Depending on ze age of your leetle one, you may have seen them at odds which oppose to "Fun" such as to scream, throw their controllers across rooms, even ripping a phone book in half like Strong Steve from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid (Do they even make phone books anymore?)

But surely zis cant be healthy, no?

Playing online is no different from playing OFFLINE in which these kids will experience such emotions.. Losing may show anger but will also develop the bloodlust to try harder next time.. like these sportspeople i don't know like Mariesky Cloven and the Pepperidge Farm Remembers guy from Family Guy.

The important thing is to manage those feeling yourself.. They are okay in short amount of time but is exhausting to live in state of stress.. Here are the 6 mantras to go buy for this anger.

1. Do not tell them to off themselves.

Surely, you cannot just stop anger this easily.. Think about something that will work for your child, like for example.. casting an enragement strike towards something or someone..

2. If it is highly competitive, Switch to something else or take regular breaks like for example in the commercials that no longer exist..

3. Limits? Sure, Why not set a limit on vat is allowed?  A quick flash of frustration is good enough but if this happens every time they lose, this may need a management. Do not wait for anger to become problematic with tourettes.

4. Talk to them about what is appropriate for abilities. If they are playing a game that's not for stupid little noobs to play, They may not be ready for that game yet. Maybe let them practice a few before climbing ze ladder.

5. If other people are bullying them into depression, Help ze kid manage ze situation. Are they harassing the little one? Did they yust find a little something to use against them? Well why not beat them to the death? help your child negotiate zis so zey can have better time together, ya ya!

6. Be ze good role model for your family. If your handle falls off and yo spaghetti falls out yo pocket every time you forget ze password to your bank account (if you do forget your password, try clicking on password reset button and making it something as rememberable as four words like for example : "correct unicorn battery staple" next time..) your child may view that as appropriate response as well..

And remember, all emotions are healthy and anger is natural. Without it you will be a useless mass of batteries eaten by the pig. Proving your leetle one with zees tools will help form essential bonds that will help navigate both online worlds, Internet and Intranet.. and maybe the offline..

O and One More Thing; If you ever dare disagree with Nanna CLarramore zen off to bed vit you cos you aren't allowed to read zees post.


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